Step 1: Just guess at what you are worth
You just pick a number. You do not bother to understand what your experience, schooling, etc. is worth. You are too busy to understand what you need to provide for yourself and your family. Others should figure this out for you.
Step 2: Do not bother learning or getting better at what you do
You know what you know and that should be good enough. Why should you continue keeping up with your industry or learning new concepts? You went to school, or you have worked X years in this industry and that should be good enough. You’ve paid your dues.
Step 3: Let someone else tell you what you are worth and then do not bother to research if they are right or wrong
Your employer or future new employer tells you what you are worth, and you just accept it. You do not research your position, skill set, etc. because they must be right. They should magically know what you are worth, and they should do all this research not you. You work hard already.
Step 4: Think that you are entitled, and that the world owes you
Your company owes you. Don’t they know all the great things you do! Your future employer should read your resume or LinkedIn profile and see what you have accomplished. Why do you need to prove what you know or answer the stupid recruiter questions, etc.
Step 5: Work at or hang around others that continue to diminish your value or over emphasize your value
Your relatives, friends and/or your company tell you what you are worth.
Your family and friends think that your company or future employer is taking advantage of you! They must be right!
Your company has other things on their mind besides giving you a raise, etc. and since they are not giving you a raise or paying you your worth, you’ll just wait when they have time to do all the research and realize what you are worth.
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